Management team
Steering comittee
- prof.Bogumiła Kaniewska Project PI | Chairwoman
- prof.Marek KwiekVice-chairman
- prof.Marek NawrockiVice-chairman
- prof.Przemysław WojtaszekVice-chairman
- prof.Joanna WójcikMember
- mgrAgnieszka PalaczProject financing
Priority Research Area Managers
- prof.Witold SzczucińskiPOB 1| AgriEarth: Agricultural and Biological Sciences, Earth and Planetary Sciences
- prof.Zofia Szweykowska-KulińskaPOB 2| BioGenMol: Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology
- prof.Artur StefankiewiczPOB3| ChemMat: Chemistry, Materials Science
- prof.Leszek Skrzypczak POB 4POB4| MathPhysComp: Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy, Computer Sciences
- prof.Katarzyna Dziubalska-KołaczykPOB 5| HumSoc: Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences
Management team, term 2019-2020

JMR prof. Andrzej Lesicki - Chairman
prof. Ryszard Naskręcki - Vice-chairman (activities related to the internationalization of AMU)
prof. Marek Kwiek - Vice-chairman (activities aimed at improving the quality of scientific research)
prof. Beata Mikołajczyk - Activities in the area of educating students and doctoral students
prof. Marek Nawrocki - Activities in the field of computerization and management processes
Agnieszka Palacz, MA - Project financing
Priority Research Area Managers, term 2019-2020
prof. Beata Messyasz - POB 1 | PRA 1 - AgriEarth: Agricultural and Biological Sciences, Earth and Planetary Sciences
prof. Zofia Szweykowska-Kulińska - POB 2 | PRA 2 - BioGenMol: Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology
prof. Maciej Kubicki - POB3 | PRA 3 - ChemMat: Chemistry, Materials Science
prof. Leszek Skrzypczak - POB 4 | PRA 4 - MathPhysComp: Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy, Computer Sciences
prof. Katarzyna Dziubalska-Kołaczyk - POB 5 | PRA 5 - HumSoc: Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences