PRA 04 MathPhysComp

PRA 4MathPhysComp: Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy, Computer Science


Selberg class, Ramsey Theory, graphs, operator and interpolation theory, Smart computing, Al, spintronics, photonics, metamaterials, quantum computing and engineering, nanotechnology.

Study fields and research disciplines:

  • 6.1 Natural science/Astronomy
  • 6.2 Natural science/Computer and information science
  • 6.3 Natural science/Mathematics
  • 6.6 Natural science/Physical science


Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science Applications, Algebra and Number Theory, Analysis, Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics, General Physics and Astronomy, Condensed Matter Physics, Atomie and Molecular Physics, and Optics, Statistical and Nonlinear Physics, Surfaces and Interfaces

Study Fields related to PRA:

Astronomy, Informatics, Computer technologies, Informatics technologies, Mathematics, Physics, Medical Physics, Biophysics.

Manager of PRA 4: prof. Leszek Skrzypczak