You are kindly invited to the lecture by Prof. Jonathan Nitschke "The many forms and functions of coordination cages" on 22 March 2022 at 10:00.
The lecture takes place within the project AMU INVITED LECTURE SERIERS IN... Functional Supramolecular Assemblies (IDUB, POB3), led by Prof. Artur Stefankiewicz.
The lecture will be held in a hybrid form Aula 2.64, Faculty of Chemistry UAM / MS Teams
Prof. Jonathan Nitschke conducts his research at the Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge. He has been working in the field of supramolecular chemistry for many years, developing and studying e.g. the self-association of coordination cages for applications such as interfacial transport or stabilisation of explosive substances. His Hirsch index is 59 (over 12.5 thousand citations).
LINK TO THE MEETING:[1]join/19%3aolYfKg4gPR4zXJc9mzMICAIVDedzG7tkncX1zFKZ6IU1% 40thread.tacv2/1646640944077?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a% 2273689ee1-b42f-4e25-a5f6-66d1f29bc092%22%2c%22Oid%22% 3a%222bb370db-84cd-4b1c-a861-076273a39953%22%7d