Presentation "Scattering of spin wave beams by edge spin waves as a new method to control spin wave propagation in next generation information processing systems" at the Intermag conference held April 26-30, 2021 results regarding spin wave beam scattering by edge spin waves.
Intermag is one of the largest and most prestigious international conferences covering the topic of magnetism. At this conference, the authors presented their recent research on the nonlinear scattering of spin waves. Spin waves are disturbances of magnetization propagating as waves in magnetic media. Spin waves are considered a promising candidate for information carriers in next-generation logic circuits.
Authors investigated the impact of the presence of edge spin waves (spin waves propagating along the edge of a thin film) on reflection from that edge of a spin wave beam (counterpart of a beam of light emitted by a laser but consisting of spin waves instead of light). Due to the presence of these edge waves, additional spin wave beams with new frequencies are emitted from the edge during the reflection, implying that nonlinear scattering of spin waves occurs. It is worth emphasizing that these beams can propagate in different or the same direction. This phenomenon may find its application in information processing systems. The authors proposed an exemplary application of this effect for the information demultiplexing.
The results of this research are an important contribution to the understanding and use of nonlinear phenomena in spin wave dynamics and a further step towards the realization of magnonic systems that use spin waves as an information carrier.